It’s the “Right time, we decided” and soon we were happy to see those 2 lines on HPT kit, Wonderful. I was all set for the New Chapter of Life. Later I realized it is going to be the longest journey of my life. Let me be as brief as I can in penning the details. Being a Mother is not at all easy, well it does look like the simplest role until you have your own child.
- I was ready for regular hospital visits. – It wasn’t difficult, I did enjoy my walk to the clinic/hospital to get Updates to be happy until I met the Doctor again. I was always excited for the upcoming visit.
- I was surprised to hear the heartbeat of the tiny ball of life in me. – It happens in initial weeks and first step to feeling Amazed about our own body and it’s capability.
- I wanted to see the little bundle taking shape. – It’s an enormous feeling for sure to see the formation of those tiny body parts
- I was waiting to see the ultrasound pictures of the squish inside. – I was amazed every time I gazed at those pictures and felt- Is this a dream or reality.
- I wanted to keep track of Monthly (in initial day), then Weekly Growth. – Well it was good initially but, was overwhelming along with being a bit anxious, which left me questioning myself- is everything going right? normal?
- I was eager to feel those tiny kicks from the little bundle of joy. – Initially Happy & excited for every single kick, later felt exhausted to count and keep track of number. As the baby grew bigger, It was uncomfortable when baby used to stretch or kick, the kicks were strong enough to make me feel uneasy for a few minutes.
- I was all set with some books on Pregnancy. – Read all the books twice within a couple of months. The best book, I can remember was Fit Pregnancy by Namita Jain, simple yet helpful.
- Exercise was one of the significant things of my Routine even in pregnancy, I used to practice only those Yoga postures which were allowed to do while being pregnant.
- But I wasn’t ready for the quick and long trips to the loo. (Too often)
- I wasn’t ready for the nausea along with puking after every meal. Till the day before popping out the little squish. – It was exhausting, which also made me think, how would the baby get the required nutrition.
- I wasn’t ready for the bloating in tummy. – Again, one of the negative effects of being pregnant.
- I wasn’t ready to take a break from my job. – No regrets though, what I did was for my own betterment.
- Noticeable changes in Body, changing shape, I wasn’t fitting in my own Clothes, stretch marks seemed to be appearing almost everywhere. – One of those sad things or negative effects of Pregnancy, though It isn’t a major issue.
- Unnoticeable changes in body- Hormonal imbalance creation. – We go through a roller coaster ride of emotions where, We are happy in a moment and crying or sobbing in the very next moment, then angry & screaming for no reason.
- Very Grateful to my husband & family, who had to bear with me and my emotional imbalance, mood swings.
- Food cravings or aversions. – There wasn’t any craving as such except for the matkapuri- similar to panipuri
- I wasn’t ready for the Metallic taste in the mouth. – This was again quite an irritating thing.
- I wasn’t ready for the Backache, Swollen hands and swollen feet in the last trimester. – It felt like my feet has been replaced with a pair of “Elephant Feet”

Tried to jot down some points from my experience after 7 years. Be it good or bad, all these effects and feeling fade away when you see your baby for the first time. Don’t worry if it doesn’t, some New Moms needs a little more time to form a bond with the baby. For me, it was instant- the moment I saw the baby pop out, all these vanished and I was sleepy.
If you are here before delivery or still planning for baby. This post is not to be overwhelmed but, buckle up, gear up and get ready for the roller coaster ride. 🙂 Is the right time to have a baby- to be Financially and physically ready? to some extent, but most important would be being Emotionally and Mentally ready.
This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla and sponsored by Bakez by Daizy.
A very relatable post that all of us mothers can identify with!
More than anything else, this is such an honest post, Pooja. I could sense the warmth and care in each word of this post. 🙂
Yeah, well said. you need to be emotionally ready to have the baby. I liked your tips
Agree motherhood is an exhausting yet wonderful experience. I have also experience almost the same during my pregnancy.
Your post brings back great memories to me. I kept myself prepared for both kids as I went through a lot of content that helped me prepare
Very well written. We all are expected to accept the changes we go through but no one warns us about the unpleasant changes. However when ur ready to have a baby we are ready to accept the changes. You have enunciated your journey in short points very well.
So much insightful post for those who are planning for their first baby. I would definitely share this with my soon to be mom friends.
A woman live her second life after giving birth to a baby. She forgets all pains and struggles once she sees her baby for the first time. Overall, The period of pregnancy and post pregnancy is always heart whelming.
You are lucky you had the chance to choose when to have a baby, Pooja. I was married at 19 and was pregnant right away. I was so clueless about motherhood. It was a real shocker to me. I used to think being a mom was like the Johnsons baby soap ad. Good, you shared your experience. It will be a good lesson for new moms.
Having a baby is the greatest blessings. Nicely jot down in brief, posts on this topic can go on and on and on. You kept it crisp and to the point.
I had a fairly fuss-free pregnancy but the time after childbirth has been bad with PPD and lack of emotional support. It’s been a while but I still can’t think about that time without feeling anxious and/or angry.
A truly roller coaster ride. Though not easy glad you enjoyed it.
Motherhood is a heavenly experience. Though it comes with its challenges, the memories are sufficient to make a woman survive.
I could relate to a lot of the experiences you have mentioned. The right time to have a baby is when you are mentally ready.
That’s the most real description of the process. I don’t have kids as of now, but the way my family members would describe it, it would feel like I’m missing on to so much. Glad you highlighted the negatives too!
This is a very heartfelt post and I am sure all the mothers out there would be able to relate to it.
I agree with you that the right time of having a baby is only when you’re financially, physically and also emotionally ready. Keeping all negative points in mind, we can’t ignore that going through the whole journey of motherhood is such a precious one..
Very nice post and me too feel like it should be our choice and not a burden.. We need to plan baby only when mentally physically and financially ready but still it’s personal choice.
Thank you for sharing your journey with us. I agree with you when you say, you have to be mentally and emotionally ready to have a baby.
All mom’s can connect with these feelings. And the moment you see your baby , you forget all those discomfort and feel happy 🙂
Agreed. Roller coaster, though we enjoy but it exhaust us more on emotional n physical level. But as soon as baby came we tend to forgot within a minute and get ready for new roller coaster😊
Be happy always.