We are always thirsty in this scorching summer. In India, the temperatures are as high as 46 degrees in some places. It is essential that we keep ourselves cool internally with the right kind of diet and plenty of fluids. But before you start thinking about the western water melon coolers and kiwi fruit juice,…
Category Archives: Early Childhood
Summer Activity Ideas for Children
Summer is a very important period in Children’s life. All the kids wait eagerly for summer break where they are not bound to do any monotonous and repetitive things. They can sleep till a little late and are not supposed to go to school everyday. Now is the time when they can enjoy doing things…

5 parent engagement tips to overcome the summer boredom
The Summer Vacation – sounds fun, right? But for parents, “the summer vacation” doesn’t refer to as a Fun ride, but a fear of Children’s tendency to lose some of their academic progress over summer break. Most of the parents can relate to this. This is a considerable challenge that teachers, parents, and school administrators…
The A2Z of Parenting, D- Descipline
Moving further in A2Z of parenting Fourth Letter and Word is D- Descipline Effective Discipline ‘teaches’ children what is right and helps to make right decision. It is necessary to start disciplining kids in young age. Descipline brings positive changes or positivity in life. This is different from punishment which focuses on what is wrong. The…
The A2Z of Parenting, C- Consistency
Moving further in A2Z of parenting Third Letter and Word is C- Consistency Consistency – Kids need to experience consistency. They need consistency in our relationship, a rhythm to life and in discipline. They need to know our expectations and know the consequences of their actions. They need us to follow through on our words. I…
The A2Z of Parenting, B- Betterment
Let’s move further in A2Z of parenting. Second Letter and Word Being, B-Betterment Let’s accept it, We all want to be the best parent but, getting better is definitely difficult. Sometimes we don’t exactly know, where to start and what to change to make ourselves better. But, Change is the only constant thing. We all…
The A2Z of Parenting, A- Awareness
First Letter and Word Being, A- Awareness . While we all want to be a good parent, Let me tell you that one can be a good parent and yet continually make mistakes. We are not perfect, We are Humans, Let’s look at some of the traits I strive toward and want to see our parenting…

After Fiction Story, I am trying poem, I used to write small poems or quotes since school days. But, they were all kept closed in a keepsake. Trying to get them some light, fresh air 🙂 We all know there are many benefits of carrying babies, and we all do so as long as we…

New Mom, New Life, New World
Hospital Bag- Most Important
I was all set for the D-Day after the roller coaster ride of 9 months Even though- I was bit lost with what I needed to get before I got my tummy roll home. Our Indian tradition says- you shouldn’t buy anything before your child is born, superstition yes, possibly also just a way to…